January 18, 2019
Mission: Drug Free Johnson County is a volunteer organization dedicated to serving as a catalyst for preventing, treating and reducing the negative effects of substance abuse by youth and adults in Johnson County.
Attendees: Rick Hughes, Judy Olds, Tammi Hickman, Cindy Carroll, Abby Hamilton, Kendee Kolp, , Kyle Roberts, Susan Sahm, Jennifer Parker, Kody Martin, Amy Chandler, Kara Pickering, Aaron Hagist, Ross Stackhouse, and Nancy Voris.
- Judy Olds called the meeting to order at 10:33 A.M.
- Introductions were made by all in attendance
- Aaron Hagist shared his Thanksgiving dinner story; 76 attendees!
- Kendee Kolp announced she will proxy voting for Sonya Ware-Meguiar, Michelle McMahon, and Kathleen Ratcliff. Kyle Roberts will proxy vote for Kate Krukemeier.
- Judy Olds gave everyone the opportunity to review the minutes for the previous meeting. Susan Sahm made a motion to approve the minutes; Aaron Hagist seconded the motion. All in attendance approved. Minutes were approved.
- Coordinator Rick Hughes shared excellent news for December totals; $7,857.68 was collected for December and the yearly total was $99,297.84! That amount exceeded the projected amount and was a substantial increase over the past few years.
- Coordinator Rick Hughes announces Michael Ross is the new Divisional Director for ICJI and Grace Dickinson is the Regional contact for DFJC at ICJI.
- Coordinator Rick Hughes explains that once the Board votes on the grants today, the committee’s recommendations will be sent to ICJI for approval and then Rick will go before the Johnson County Council for approval as the final step.
- Coordinator Rick Hughes then explains how the increased funding from December was spread out over the grants that were not fully funded initially.
- President Judy Olds introduces special guest Brooke Price. Brooke has information on the Strengthening Families Program, offered through Purdue Extension, starting February 28, 2019. This seven week program will be held at Grace United Methodist Church and is free to families interested. There is a 15 family limit. There is a plan to hold another session in June 2019.
- Brooke is asked to send out additional information to the Board so it can be shared.
- Grant Committee recommendations are presented and the floor is open to any comments or discussions; no comments made.
- Boys and Girls Club; Jennifer Parker made a motion to approve; Abby Hamilton seconded; all voted to approve. $3,392.00.
- Girls Inc. $8,000. Tammi Hickman made a motion to approve; Nancy Voris seconded; all approved.
- Healthier Johnson County $4,000; Kendee Kolp made a motion to approve; Susan Sahm seconded; all approved.
- Turning Point $5,850; Aaron Hagist made a motion to approve; Susan Sahm seconded; all approved.
- Youth Connections $7,725.59; Tammi Hickman made a motion to approve; Susan Sahm seconded; all approved.
- JC Adult Probation $7,000; Aaron Hagist made a motion to approve; Susan Sahm seconded; all approved.
- Franklin Police Department $3,143.25; Aaron Hagist made a motion to approve; Tammi Hickman seconded; all approved.
- Greenwood Police Department $5,897; Tammi Hickman made a motion to approve; Susan Sahm seconded; all approved.
- JC Juvenile Probation $7,340; Kendee Kolp made a motion to approve; Susan Sahm seconded; all approved.
- JC Sheriff’s Office $6,500; Kody Martin made a motion to approve; Susan Sahm seconded; all approved.
- Reach For Youth $10,000; Judy Olds made a motion to approve; Susan Sahm seconded; all approved.
- Tara Treatment Center $10,250; Kendee Kolp made a motion to approve; Susan Sahm seconded; all approved.
- All persons with conflicts abstained from voting at the appropriate time
- Coordinator Rick Hughes announces that all grantees submitted their end of the year reports as required.
- As a funded grantee, Kendee Kolp shares that Reach For Youth has seen a significant increase in youth needing services. The board discusses the hazards and increase in youth vaping.
- Old Business; none offered.
- New Business; Tara Treatment Center will hold their symposium on May 22, 2019 in the Branigin Room at Franklin College from 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. More details will be shared later.
- Judy Olds discusses the Youth Have Talent show scheduled on February 15, 2019. Fifteen acts have signed up so far with multiple talents. Auditions will be held on January 25 and January 28 and deadline for consideration is January 22, 2019. The event will have a $500 grand prize! Korn Country is the sponsor and tickets are available for $10 each but youth tickets will be offered for free.
- Judy Olds also announced that Youth Connections has obtained Mark Marrow as the speaker for the Breakfast of Champions on June 5, 2019 at Compass Park. A training workshop will follow the breakfast.
- Secretary Tammi Hickman makes a Motion to nominate Nancy Voris as a board member; Nancy Voris accepts the nomination. Judy Olds seconds the motion. All vote in favor.
- Nancy Voris offers literature on teenage vaping trends and the increase of the vaping use.
- Judy Olds announces Youth Connections is hosting a workshop on Human Trafficking on January 22, 2019 from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. At the Hilton Garden Inn at the County Line Road exit.
- Susan Sahm makes a motion to adjourn; Kendee Kolp seconds.
- Meeting adjourned.