February 15, 2019
Mission: Drug Free Johnson County is a volunteer organization dedicated to serving as a catalyst for preventing, treating and reducing the negative effects of substance abuse by youth and adults in Johnson County.
Attendees: Rick Hughes, Judy Olds, Tammi Hickman, Cindy Carroll, Abby Hamilton, Kyle Roberts, Susan Sahm, Jennifer Parker, Kody Martin, Amy Chandler, Kathleen Ratcliff, Kate Krukemeier, Ashley Smith, Tom Latondress and Nancy Voris.
- Judy Olds called the meeting to order at 10:34 A.M.
- Introductions were made by all in attendance
- Rick Hughes announced Judy Olds is proxy for Sonya Ware-Meguiar; Kathleen Ratcliff is proxy for Michelle McMahon and Kendee Kolp; Tammi Hickman is proxy for Judge Peter Nugent.
- Judy Olds gave everyone the opportunity to review the minutes for the previous meeting. Kate Krukemeier made a motion to approve the minutes; Kathleen Ratcliff seconded the motion. All in attendance approved. Minutes were approved.
- Coordinator Rick Hughes shared January totals; $6.153.64.
- Coordinator Rick Hughes announced that ICJI approved the grant recommendations on January 25, 2019 and the Johnson County Council approved the grants on February 11, 2019
- Coordinator Rick Hughes announced the contracts for the 2019 grants are ready for each grantee to sign. If all agencies can sign them by Wednesday, February 20, 2019, the contracts can be approved by the Johnson County Commissioners on February 25, 2019. If contracts aren’t signed by that date, the checks will be delayed. Electronic signatures are not acceptable.
- There were no grantee updates given.
- Old Business; Judy Olds announced that the Youth Connections Kids Got Talent show is this evening (Friday, February 15, 2019). Tickets are $10 and there are 20 acts scheduled to perform and a $500 grand prize!
- New business: Nancy Voris has handout announcing “A Community Conversation; What’s In That Vape”. Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 7 P.M. at the Franklin Parks and Recreation, Beeson Hall. This workshop will feature speakers discussing vaping and answer questions.
- Upstream is planning to host a town hall conversation “Underage Drinking”; to be set in May.
- Tara Treatment Center will hold their symposium on May 22, 2019 in the Branigin Room at Franklin College from 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Cost will be $80 and include breakfast and lunch. More details will be shared later.
- Judy Olds also announced that Youth Connections has obtained Marc Mero as the speaker for the Breakfast of Champions on June 5, 2019 at Compass Park. A training workshop will follow the breakfast for a cost of $20.
- Kate Krukemeier makes a motion to adjourn; Nancy Voris seconds.
- Meeting adjourned.