18 October Minutes


October 26, 2018

Mission: Drug Free Johnson County is a volunteer organization dedicated to serving as a catalyst for preventing, treating and reducing the negative effects of substance abuse by youth and adults in Johnson County.

Attendees: Rick Hughes, Judy Olds, Tammi Hickman, Abby Hamilton, Nicole Emerson, Cindy Carroll, Michelle McMahon, Sonya Ware-Meguiar, Kendee Kolp, Aaron Hagist, Kate Krukemeier, Kyle Roberts, Susan Sahm, Jennifer Parker, and Nancy Voris.

    • Judy Olds called the meeting to order at 10:35 A.M.
    • Introductions were made by all in attendance
    • Judy Olds gave everyone the opportunity to review the minutes for the previous meeting. Sonya Ware-Meguiar made a motion to approve the minutes; Kendee Kolp seconded the motion. All in attendance approved. Minutes were approved.
    • Coordinator Rick Hughes announced that today (October 26, 2018) is the last day to submit grant proposals for the 2019 funding cycle. So far, he has received 12 grant applications with 2 additional agencies expected to submit by the end of the day.
    • Coordinator Rick Hughes also announced that September funds totaled $7113.00 and that funds have increased by $9,600 over 2017’s funding.
    • Coordinator Rick Hughes also provided information on when everyone’s election term ends and the need for elections to be held at the December 14, 2018 meeting. He also handed out a proposed schedule for DFJC meetings in 2019. Michelle McMahon noted the proposed January 19, 2019 date is Saturday and the date should be changed to January 18, 2019 instead.
    • Judy Olds asked for any old business. None was announced.
    • Judy Olds asked for new business. Coordinator Rick Hughes shared a message he received from Michaelangelo McClendon from ICJI this week that he was leaving the agency and his counterpart was also leaving. Rick and Michaelangelo are scheduled to meet for lunch soon and Rick hopes to have the name of the new contact for ICJI soon.
    • Judy Olds stated that Youth Connections had been encouraged to apply for grants through ICJI but she was unsure if Youth Connections would qualify. Kendee Kolp explained the process and what Youth Connections would need in order to qualify for those grants.
    • Michelle McMahon announced that Upstream Prevention is celebrating their 3 year anniversary on October 29, 2018 and would be hosting an open house with treats. She also displayed the cell phone pop sockets, lanyards and bags available for any individual or agency that wished to have them.
    • Nicole Emerson announced that Turning Point was attempting to get the word out that they offer more than a domestic violence shelter in Columbus, IN. They have created a new Facebook page announcing their services and can be found at Turning Point Domestic Violence Services of Johnson County. She asked the members to visit their Facebook page and “like” them to help spread the word.
    • Nicole Emerson also shared the Clothesline Project Ceremony that was recently held to commemorate the number of domestic violence victims that have died over the past year. Shirts were hung out that indicated the number of victims statewide in Indiana; this year’s total was 59 shirts.
    • The members were asked who would like to be part of the committee that would review the grant applications and make recommendations to the DFJC board for vote. Seven members offered to be part of the committee; Michelle McMahon, Tammi Hickman, Nicole Emerson, Sonya Ware-Meguiar, Aaron Hagist, Kendee Kolp and Kyle Roberts. Those members stayed after the meeting ended and selected December 4, 2018 at 1 P.M. to meet and go over the grant applications. Coordinator Rick Hughes should have the grant applications ready to give to each committee member at the November 16, 2018 DFJC meeting.
    • Judy Olds also announced that Youth Connections is planning a fundraiser for February 15, 2019 at 6 P.M. at Franklin Community High School auditorium. Youth Connections is looking for sponsors for the event. They will be offering 3 levels of sponsorship; Level 1 will be for $50, Level 2 will be for $100 and Level 3 will be for $500. This fundraiser is called Johnson County Kids Got Talent.
  • Susan Sahm made a motion to adjourn and Nicole Emerson seconded.
  • Meeting adjourned.