January 2018 Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
Mission: Drug Free Johnson County is a volunteer organization dedicated to serving as a catalyst for preventing, treating and reducing the negative effects of substance abuse by youth and adults in Johnson County.
Attendees: Rick Hughes, Judy Olds, Tammi Hickman, Cindy Carroll, Abby Hamilton, Kendee Kolp, Kate Krukemeier, Michelle McMahon, Tony Povinelli, Sonya Ware-Meguiar, Susan Sahm, Jim Hoeing
*Nicole Emerson was not able to attend the meeting and requested Sonya Ware-Meguiar to be her proxy.
1. Rick Hughes called the meeting to order at 1036 hours.
2. Introductions were made by all in attendance.
3. Rick Hughes gave all members time to review the December minutes, and recommend any changes. No changes were recommended, and Kendee Kolp made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Sonya Ware-Meguiar seconded the motion and Rick Hughes called for a vote. All members voted in favor, with none opposed.
4. Jim Hoeing provided the coordinator’s report. The 2017 Q4 report has been submitted to ICJI, along with the 2018 financial reports. The new due date for the comprehensive plan update is February 28th, 2018.
5. Jim Hoeing provided the final numbers for 2018 funding. Those numbers are:
a. Treatment/Intervention
i. Tara Treatment Center $ 5,000.00
ii. Johnson County Sheriff’s Office $ 4,943.26
iii. Greenwood Probation $11,175.00
b. Prevention/Education
i. Turning Point $1,500.00
ii. Boys and Girls Club $1,500.00
iii. Reach for Youth $6,059.13
iv. Partnership for a Healthier JC $2,000.00
v. Girl’s Inc. $4,000.00
vi. Youth Connections $6,059.13
c. Justice/Law Enforcement
i. Greenwood Police Dept. $4,530.00
ii. JC Adult Probation $6,379.13
iii. JC Juvenile Probation $6,379.13
iv. Franklin Police Dept. $2,230.00
v. Johnson County Sheriff’s Office $1,600.00
Contracts were passed out to the grantees in attendance. Jim Hoeing will deliver the contracts that were not picked up. He asked that the contracts be returned as soon as possible, as the goal is the have the contracts signed at the February 12th, 2018 Johnson County Commissioners meeting.
6. Abby Hamilton provided the grantee update for the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office. She passed out an information sheet on the Breaking Chains program, and how the program works. There are currently 20+ male inmates in the program, due to the jail population. She stated a lot of repeat offenders are referred back into the program. (The information sheet will be incorporated into the January minutes.)
7. Rick Hughes asked for a volunteer to provide the grantee update at the February meeting. Tony Povinelli stated he would provide the update for Franklin PD.
8. Jim Hoeing stated that Tammi Hickman, Abby Hamilton and Michelle McMahon all had terms expiring in 2018.
a. Michelle McMahon nominated Tammi Hickman to the board. Sonya Ware-Maguiar seconded the nomination. Tammi Hickman stated she would like to remain on the board. Rick Hughes called for a vote. All members voted in favor, with none opposed.
b. Tammi Hickman nominated Abby Hamilton to the board. Kendee Kolp seconded the nomination. Abby Hamilton stated she would like to remain on the board. Rick Hughes called for a vote. All members voted in favor, with none opposed.
c. Sonya Ware-Meguiar nominated Michelle McMahon to the board. Judy Olds seconded the nomination. Michelle McMahon stated she would like to remain on the board. Rick Hughes called for a vote. All members voted in favor, with none opposed.
Tammi Hickman, Abby Hamilton and Michelle McMahon will each serve a two year term on the board, expiring January 2020.
9. Rick Hughes asked for any old business. No old business was brought forward.
10. Rick Hughes asked for any new business.
a. Judy Olds stated Youth Connection is hosting a “Happy Shoe Year.” They will be collection new and lightly used shoes January 29th through March 29th. They are collecting shoes of all sizes. Collection boxes will be located at Youth Connections, First Financial Bank, Horizon Bank and Home Bank.
b. Breakfast of Champions will be June 6th.
11. With no other business brought forward, Tammi Hickman made a motion to adjourn. Susan Sahm seconded the motion. Rick Hughes called for a vote. All members voted in favor, with none opposed.