18 August



August 24, 2018


Mission: Drug Free Johnson County is a volunteer organization dedicated to serving as a catalyst for preventing, treating and reducing the negative effects of substance abuse by youth and adults in Johnson County.


Attendees: Rick Hughes, Judy Olds, Tammi Hickman, Abby Hamilton, Nicole Emerson, Cindy Carroll, , Michelle McMahon, Sonya Ware-Meguiar, Kendee Kolp, Emily Cornpropst, Zach Russell, Jason Beck, Kate Krukemeier, Kyle Roberts, Susan Sahm, and Nancy Voris.


  • Judy Olds called the meeting to order at 10:35 A.M.
  • Introductions were made by all in attendance
  • Judy Olds gave everyone the opportunity to review the minutes for the previous meeting. Susan Sahm made a motion to approve the minutes; Abby Hamilton seconded the motion. All in attendance approved. Minutes were approved.
  • Coordinator Rick Hughes announced that Kathleen could not attend today’s meeting and Michelle McMahon would be her proxy.
  • Rick also announced that all members have approved the Comprehensive Plan by e-mail vote and it was also approved by ICJI. The Johnson County Commissioners had also approved the plan.
  • Rick Hughes announced that he had met with Jim Hoeing last week and August totals were not yet reported.
  • Rick Hughes announced the tentative grant cycle for 2019. September 17th is the projected release date and October 26th will be the date for grants applications to be submitted.
  • Nancy Voris shared an update on the grant for Young Lungs-the 1st grade anti-smoking program offered in schools.
  • Judy Olds asked for any old business. None was announced.
  • Judy Olds asked for new business. A request was made for the October 19th meeting date to be changed due to Fall Break. The new date suggested is October 26th. Michelle McMahon made a motion to approve. Kate Krukemeier seconded the motion. All voted in favor of changing the October meeting date to October 26th.
  • Judy Olds shared that Youth Connections has experienced a drastic decline in supervised visitations and requested any agency that utilizes that service please remember Youth Connections and request that service, if possible. Judy shared that a few parents utilizing that service had passed away this year due to opiate overdoses.
  • Discussion was held on what other changes had the group experienced due to the rise in opiate use and criminal cases? It was reported that many children in foster care were attending the Boys & Girls Club. The group also expressed their concern with the current state of the Department of Children’s Services.
  • Michelle McMahon stated there may be an opportunity for DFJC to apply for a grant for drug education for group members. Michelle discusses options for the committee to promote drug education.
  • Sonya Ware-Meguiar shares information about Friendly Persuasion; an educational program offered at Girls Inc.
  • Emily Cornpropst discusses other prevention initiatives.
  • Michaelangelo McClendon arrives at 10:58 A.M.
  • Michaelangelo shares an update with the committee regarding the Governor’s Taskforce meeting he had recently attended. The meetings were held regionally and out of 92 counties, 56 participated. Some of the topics discussed were group rate insurance for Drug Free county committees and legislative updates. Also, DMHA announced Indiana might be eligible to receive $28.4 million federal dollars in drug treatment and prevention. Michaelangelo encouraged DFJC to inquire into this funding possibility and apply. He also announced that the Johnson County comprehensive plan was approved.
  • Michelle McMahon made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kendee Kolp seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.