18 April Minutes

April 2018 Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting

Mission: Drug Free Johnson County is a volunteer organization dedicated to serving as a catalyst for preventing, treating and reducing the negative effects of substance abuse by youth and adults in Johnson County.

Attendees: Rick Hughes, Judy Olds, Tammi Hickman, David Bates, Debbie Hamilton, Abby Hamilton, Michaelangelo McClendon, Michelle McMahon, Tony Povinelli, Lyndsey White, Nicole Emerson, Jennifer Parker, Susan Sahm, Chris Ponti, Jim Hoeing

*Rick Hughes proxy for Kate Krukemeier
*Nicole Emerson proxy for Sonya Ware-Meguiar


1. Rick Hughes called the meeting to order at 1031 hours.
2. Introductions were made by all in attendance.
3. Rick Hughes gave all members time to review the February 2018 minutes, and recommend any changes. No changes were recommended, and Tammi Hickman made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Michelle McMahon seconded the motion and Rick Hughes called for a vote. All members voted in favor, with none opposed.
4. Jim Hoeing provided the coordinator’s report.
a. March income was $7,651.76
b. ICJI 2018 Q1 report submitted
5. Michaelangelo McClendon, IJCI, introduced himself and provided some background information as well.
6. Michaelangelo McClendon walked the group through each part of the Comprehensive Plan, and suggested possible changes to be made. Those changes would bring a tighter focus to the problem statements, and make tracking progress easier for the board. He provided several examples of ways to improve upon the Comprehensive Plan. Members were asked to be ready to suggest changes at the May meeting.
7. Jim Hoeing announced that he would be resigning as the program coordinator July 31st, 2018. This meets the 90 day notice required by contract. Jim Hoeing stated that he no longer was able to give the necessary time needed for the position, due to his full time work requirements. This announcement led to a board discussion about replacing the position, and also adding the treasurer and secretary positions back in the executive board. Members were asked to be ready to make nominations at the May meeting. Jim Hoeing will email the by-laws to all members, to review prior to that meeting.
8. Rick Hughes asked for any old business.
a. Nicole Emerson updated the board on Turning Point’s photo shoot fundraiser. She stated the fundraiser was not a success, partially due to the timing. They will be planning future events.
9. Rick Hughes asked for any new business.
a. Michelle McMahon stated that Empower Johnson County was completing a survey. She stated the survey takes, on average, 9 minutes to complete. She asked that everyone please share the survey, to help get as many participants as possible. She further stated that Upstream Prevention is applying for a CIT grant, for both youth and adult, which would provide $125,000 for 3 years.
b. Jennifer Parker stated the Tara Treatment Center Symposium is set for June 6th, and that registration is open.
c. Susan Sahm stated the Boys and Girls Club is looking to hire a new teen coordinator.
d. Judy Olds stated the Youth Connections “Breakfast of Champions” is set for June 6th. This will be held at Compass Park, and tickets are $65.00.
10. With no other new business brought forward, Michelle McMahon made a motion to adjourn. Judy Olds seconded the motion, and Rick Hughes called for a vote. All members voted in favor, with none opposed. The meeting was adjourned at 1124 hours.