September 2017 Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
Mission: Drug Free Johnson County is a volunteer organization dedicated to serving as a catalyst for preventing, treating and reducing the negative effects of substance abuse by youth and adults in Johnson County.
Attendees: Rick Hughes, Judy Olds, Bill Kindle, Kate Krukemeier, Tony Povinelli, Tammi Hickman, Nicole Emerson, Kathleen Ratcliff, Mary Griesel, Abby Hamilton, Cindy Carroll, Michelle McMahon, Sonya Ware-Meguiar, Kendee Kolp, Susan Sahm, Becky Mann
1. Rick Hughes called the meeting to order at 1036 hours.
2. Introductions were made by all those in attendance.
3. Rick Hughes gave everyone a chance to review the August minutes. Nicole Emerson made a motion to accept the minutes. Kate Krukemeier seconded the motion. Rick Hughes called for a vote. All members voted in favor, with none opposed.
4. Jim Hoeing provided the coordinator’s report.
a. No financials are available at this time. The Auditor’s office has changed the reporting system, and the numbers do not match up to the old reports. Jim Hoeing is working with them to clarify the numbers, and get an accurate statement.
b. Three applications have been received for 2018 funding.
c. The Daily Journal has run the press release reference 2018 funding applications three times. The information is also posted on the DFJC website.
d. Grants Committee members should start looking at dates to meet.
5. Upstream Prevention provided their grantee update.
a. Upstream Prevention asked for funds to implement the LifeSkills Transitions Program ( at the alternative academies in the county. We’ve had a tough time getting scheduled into Center Grove’s, as they’ve had some big changes in their structure and staffing. However, Becky Mann starts implementation next week (first week of October) at Clark Pleasant. The LifeSkills Transitions program is an effective, evidenced based program designed for high school students getting ready to transition to life after school. It covers personal self-management skills, general social skills (communication and relationship building), in addition to drug resistance skills. The program is held once a week, for six weeks, at about 45 minutes each session.
6. Rick Hughes asked for any old business. No old business was brought forward.
7. Rick Hughes asked for any new business.
a. Judy Olds stated that Youth Connections has signed a MOU with Brown County to provide a Safe Place host home in Brown County. They have also formed a citizen coalition group.
b. Becky Mann stated Creative Counseling will not be submitting an application for 2018. They are currently looking for other agencies to partner with in teaching the 12-step Yoga program.
c. Sonya Ware-Meguiar stated she will provide the grantee update for Girl’s Inc. at the October meeting.
8. With no further business brought forward, Tammi Hickman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kate Krukemeier seconded the motion, and Rick Hughes called for a vote. All members voted in favor, with none opposed.