17 May Minutes

May 2017 Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting


Mission: Drug Free Johnson County is a volunteer organization dedicated to serving as a catalyst for preventing, treating and reducing the negative effects of substance abuse by youth and adults in Johnson County.


Attendees:  Rick Hughes, Judy Olds, Kate Krukemeier, Sonya Ware-Meguiar, Abby Hamilton, Nicole Emerson, Amy Schoettmer, Kendee Kolp, Jim Hoeing


*Michelle McMahon was not present at the meeting and requested Sonya Ware-Meguiar to act as her proxy.

*Erica Garrity was not present at the meeting and requested Nicole Emerson to act as her proxy.



  1. Call to Order: Rick Hughes called the meeting to order at 1035 hours.
  2. Rick Hughes gave everyone a chance to review the April minutes. After reviewing the minutes, it was asked that section 5 be modified to show the 13 participants listed were from the DFJC grant, though there were other participants as well.  Judy Olds made a motion to approve the minutes, with the above amendment.  Sonya Ware-Meguiar seconded the motion.  Rick Hughes called for a vote.  All members voted in favor, with none opposed.
  3. Jim Hoeing Provided the coordinator’s report:
    1. The May income was $10,422.18, bringing the yearly total to: $27,797.46
    2. Board member John Regas submitted his resignation from the board. John accepted a new position out of state, and will no longer be able to represent Franklin Community Schools.  Bill Doty will be replacing John as the Franklin Community Schools representative.
    3. Mid-Year reports are due July 15th, 2017. Jim Hoeing will send out a reminder via email, and attach a blank report for those that need one.
    4. The DFJC second quarter report is due July 15th, 2017 as well. Jim Hoeing will complete this report and submit it to ICJI for approval.
    5. Just a reminder, there will be no June meeting.
    6. It will be time to start discussing the 2018 grant process at the July meeting.
  4. Grantee Update: Kate Krukemeier provided the grantee update for Juvenile Probation.  Juvenile Probation uses their funding to supplement their drug screening.  The funding allows them to test more frequently.  They tested 179 last July-December (also supplemented with DFJC funding), with 55 of those tests being positive.  She also discussed the possibility of going to a rapid drug test, and only sending out positive tests for confirmation.  This would save some money on the testing.
  5. Rick Hughes will provide the grantee update for Adult Probation at the July meeting.
  6. Rick Hughes asked for any old business. No old business was brought forward.
  7. Rick Hughes asked for any new business. No new business was brought forward.
  8. Kate Krukemeier made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Abby Hamilton seconded the motion, and Rick Hughes called for a vote.  All members voted in favor, with none opposed.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:50.