17 January Minutes

January 2017 Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting


Mission: Drug Free Johnson County is a volunteer organization dedicated to serving as a catalyst for preventing, treating and reducing the negative effects of substance abuse by youth and adults in Johnson County.


Attendees:  Rick Hughes, Abby Hamilton, Dawn Laplante, Cindy Carroll, Nicole Emerson, Sonya Ware-Meguiar, Kate Krukemier, Pete Ketchum, Karen Fitzgerald, John Regas, Kendee Kolp, Michelle McMahon, Aaron Hagist, Tammi Hickman


*Erica Garrity was not able to attend the meeting and requested Kendee Kolp to be her proxy.


  1. Call to Order: Rick Hughes called the meeting to order at 1034 hours.
  2. Introductions were made by all in attendance.
  3. Rick Hughes gave all members time to review the December minutes, and recommend any changes. No changes were recommended, and Nicole Emerson made a motion to accept the minutes as written.  Sonya Ware-Meguiar seconded the motion and Rick Hughes called for a vote.  All members voted in favor, with none opposed.
  4. Jim Hoeing provided the coordinators report. He stated the December income was $4,450.34, bringing the 2016 income to $95,797.81.  There was $1,061.13 left over in the administrative fund that will roll into the 2017 funding.  The total funding amount available for 2017 is $96,858.94.  The request for funding report has been completed, and forwarded to ICJI for approval.  The 2017 financial report has also been completed, as well as the 2016 Q4 report.  Jim Hoeing is waiting on ICJI to return the new Comprehensive Plan for finalizing.  Cassie Henderson (ICJI) was going to send it back this week.  Once approved and signed, funds will be released.
  5. Jim Hoeing went over the final numbers for the 2017 grants. Contracts have been completed, and were passed out to the grantees in attendance.  Jim Hoeing will present the contracts to the Johnson County Commissioners on February 13th, 2017, at their meeting.  Jim Hoeing will also complete the appropriation request with the Johnson County Counsel at their February 13th, 2017 meeting.  Pending ICJI approves the funding request, grantee checks should be mailed February 27th, 2016.
  6. Rick Hughes stated that some board members were up for re-election. Those members were: Sonya Ware-Meguiar, Susan Sahm and Kendee Kolp.
    1. Michelle McMahon nominated Sonya Ware-Meguiar for another two year term. Kendee Kolp seconded the nomination.  Rick Hughes called for a vote, with all members voting in favor.
    2. Aaron Hagist nominated Susan Sahm for another two-year term. Abby Hamilton seconded the nomination.  Rick Hughes called for a vote, with all members voting in favor.
    3. Sonya Ware Meguiar nominated Kendee Kolp for another two year term. Karen Fitzgerald seconded the nomination.  Rick Hughes called for a vote, with all members voting in favor.
    4. Michelle McMahon then nominated Nicole Emerson to become a board member. Kendee Kolp seconded the nomination.  Rick Hughes called for a vote, with all members voting in favor.  Nicole Emerson is elected to the board for a two year term.
    5. Kendee Kolp then nominated John Regas to the board. Pete Ketchum seconded the nomination.  Rick Hughes called for a vote, with all members voting in favor.  John Regas is elected to the board for a two year term.
  7. Rick Hughes asked if anyone had old business to bring forward. No old business was brought forward.
  8. Rick Hughes asked for any new business.
    1. Rick Hughes stated he wanted to have a different grantee provide an update of what their organization is working on at each meeting. He asked for a volunteer to provide a grantee update at the February meeting.  Nicole Emerson stated she would provide an update for Turning Point Domestic Violence Services at the February meeting

No other new business was brought forward.

  1. With no other business brought forward, Aaron Hagist made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Tammi Hickman seconded the motion, and Rick Hughes called for a vote.  All members voted in favor, with none opposed.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:56 hours.