17 February Minutes

February 2017 Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting


Mission: Drug Free Johnson County is a volunteer organization dedicated to serving as a catalyst for preventing, treating and reducing the negative effects of substance abuse by youth and adults in Johnson County.


Attendees:  Judy Olds, John Regas, Abby Hamilton, Kiersten Sedler, Cristal Nevins, Karen Fitzgerald, Amy Schoettmer, Erica Garrity, Kate Krukemeier, Michelle McMahon, Deb Dougherty, Pete Ketchum, Kendee Kolp, Cindy Carroll, Susan Sahm



  1. Call to Order: Judy Olds called the meeting to order at 1035 hours.
  2. Introductions were made by all in attendance.
  3. Judy Duncan gave everyone an opportunity to review the January minutes. No amendments were recommended.  Karen Fitzgerald made a motion to accept the minutes as presented.  Kendee Kolp seconded the motion.  Judy Olds called for a vote, with all members voting in favor and none opposed.
  4. Jim Hoeing passed out, and explained the conflict of interest forms. The forms were completed by all board members who did not have one on file.
  5. Amy Schoettmer gave a grantee update for Turning Point Domestic Violence Services. During the update, she stated that SASSI forms are given to all clients.  This gives Turning Point an idea if a client may turn to substance abuse as a coping tool.  Johnson County is one of the biggest users for this.  She also provided an informational brochure about substance abuse and violence.
  6. Judy Olds asked for any new business:
    1. John Regas stated that Franklin Schools are looking at hosting former Colt’s player Steve Grant. Steve is a motivational speaker who talks about consequences of choices, respectful relationships and academic excellence.   The cost is $10,000.00 for three days.  He stated Nancy Vorhees is heading up the project.   There was a lot of discussion by board members surrounding this project, including who should attend and ways of funding the project.  Judy Olds also stated there are other options, including a former BMX rider who speaks for $1,500.00.
  7. Judy Olds asked for a volunteer to provide a grantee update at the next meeting. Amy Schoettmer stated she would provide an update for Creative Counseling.
  8. Judy Olds state the Breakfast of Champions is going to be May 24th, 2017. This is the largest fundraiser for Youth Connections.
  9. With no other business brought forward, Kendee Kolp made a motion to adjourn. Michelle McMahon seconded the motion, and Judy Olds called for a vote.  All members voted in favor, with none opposed.