17 August Minutes

August 2017 Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting


Mission: Drug Free Johnson County is a volunteer organization dedicated to serving as a catalyst for preventing, treating and reducing the negative effects of substance abuse by youth and adults in Johnson County.


Attendees:  Rick Hughes, Judy Olds, Rich Whittaker, Nicole Emerson, Tammi Hickman, Kathleen Anderson, Kate Krukemeier, Abby Hamilton, Sonya Ware-Maguiar, Amy Schoettmer, Karen Fitzgerald, Cindy Carroll, Aaron Hagist, Susan Sahm, Kendee Kolp, Jim Hoeing


Michelle McMahon was not able to attend the meeting, and asked that Sonya Ware-Maguiar be her proxy.


  1. Rick Hughes called the meeting to order at 1031 hours.
  2. Introductions were made by all those in attendance.
  3. Rick Hughes gave everyone a chance to review the July minutes. Tammi Hickman requested her name be added to the attendance list.  Judy Olds made a motion to accept the minutes, with an amendment to add Tammi Hickman to the roster.  Kate Krukemeier seconded the motion.  Rick Hughes called for a vote.  All members voted in favor, with none opposed.
  4. Jim Hoeing provided the coordinator’s report:
    1. The website domain has been renewed. The domain is now registered until 2019.
    2. July income was reported to be $7,577.50, bringing the yearly total to $51,661.66.
    3. The 2018 grant cycle timeline was proposed to be:
      1. 09-11-2017 through 10-20-2017 – Grants accepted
      2. 10-27-2017 – Binders presented to the board
  • TBD – Grants Committee meeting
  1. 12-08-2017 – Grants Committee makes recommendations to the board
  2. 01-12-2018 – Board approves final numbers at January meeting
  3. 01-14-2018 – Financials submitted to ICJI for approval
  • TBD – Based on schedule, requests made to Johnson County Council and Johnson County Commissioners

Tammi Hickman made a motion to accept the grant cycle timeline as presented.  Sonya Ware-Maguiar seconded the motion.  Rick Hughes called for a vote.  All members voted in favor, with none opposed.

Rick Hughes asked for volunteers to serve on the grants committee.  The following people expressed interest in serving:

Aaron Hagist

Judy Olds

Tammi Hickman

Sonya Ware-Maguiar

Michelle McMahon

Nicole Emerson

Kate Krukemeier

  1. Board members were advised of two (2) emails they had been sent:
    1. Resource Guide – email me with any additions or changes.
    2. Best Practices Guide
  2. Rick Hughes provided the grantee update for probation. He stated they had administered 154 tests from January through June.  He stated 40% of the tests were positive, with the following results:
    1. 29% marijuana
    2. 26% methamphetamine
    3. 19% opiates
    4. 7% cocaine

This led to a group discussion on the types of drugs being seen in Johnson County.

  1. Rick Hughes asked for any old business. No old business was brought up for discussion
  2. New business:
    1. Upstream Prevention will provide the grantee update for the September meeting.
  3. With no other business being brought forward, Tammi Hickman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Judy Olds seconded the motion, and Rick Hughes called for a vote.  All members voted in favor, with none opposed.
  4. The meeting was adjourned at 1057 hours.