August 2017 Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
Mission: Drug Free Johnson County is a volunteer organization dedicated to serving as a catalyst for preventing, treating and reducing the negative effects of substance abuse by youth and adults in Johnson County.
Attendees: Rick Hughes, Judy Olds, Rich Whittaker, Nicole Emerson, Tammi Hickman, Kathleen Anderson, Kate Krukemeier, Abby Hamilton, Sonya Ware-Maguiar, Amy Schoettmer, Karen Fitzgerald, Cindy Carroll, Aaron Hagist, Susan Sahm, Kendee Kolp, Jim Hoeing
Michelle McMahon was not able to attend the meeting, and asked that Sonya Ware-Maguiar be her proxy.
- Rick Hughes called the meeting to order at 1031 hours.
- Introductions were made by all those in attendance.
- Rick Hughes gave everyone a chance to review the July minutes. Tammi Hickman requested her name be added to the attendance list. Judy Olds made a motion to accept the minutes, with an amendment to add Tammi Hickman to the roster. Kate Krukemeier seconded the motion. Rick Hughes called for a vote. All members voted in favor, with none opposed.
- Jim Hoeing provided the coordinator’s report:
- The website domain has been renewed. The domain is now registered until 2019.
- July income was reported to be $7,577.50, bringing the yearly total to $51,661.66.
- The 2018 grant cycle timeline was proposed to be:
- 09-11-2017 through 10-20-2017 – Grants accepted
- 10-27-2017 – Binders presented to the board
- TBD – Grants Committee meeting
- 12-08-2017 – Grants Committee makes recommendations to the board
- 01-12-2018 – Board approves final numbers at January meeting
- 01-14-2018 – Financials submitted to ICJI for approval
- TBD – Based on schedule, requests made to Johnson County Council and Johnson County Commissioners
Tammi Hickman made a motion to accept the grant cycle timeline as presented. Sonya Ware-Maguiar seconded the motion. Rick Hughes called for a vote. All members voted in favor, with none opposed.
Rick Hughes asked for volunteers to serve on the grants committee. The following people expressed interest in serving:
Aaron Hagist
Judy Olds
Tammi Hickman
Sonya Ware-Maguiar
Michelle McMahon
Nicole Emerson
Kate Krukemeier
- Board members were advised of two (2) emails they had been sent:
- Resource Guide – email me with any additions or changes.
- Best Practices Guide
- Rick Hughes provided the grantee update for probation. He stated they had administered 154 tests from January through June. He stated 40% of the tests were positive, with the following results:
- 29% marijuana
- 26% methamphetamine
- 19% opiates
- 7% cocaine
This led to a group discussion on the types of drugs being seen in Johnson County.
- Rick Hughes asked for any old business. No old business was brought up for discussion
- New business:
- Upstream Prevention will provide the grantee update for the September meeting.
- With no other business being brought forward, Tammi Hickman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Judy Olds seconded the motion, and Rick Hughes called for a vote. All members voted in favor, with none opposed.
- The meeting was adjourned at 1057 hours.