April 2017 Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
Mission: Drug Free Johnson County is a volunteer organization dedicated to serving as a catalyst for preventing, treating and reducing the negative effects of substance abuse by youth and adults in Johnson County.
Attendees: Rick Hughes, Nicole Emerson, Kate Krukemeier, Tammi Hickman, Dawn LaPlant, Sonya Ware-Meguiar, Abby Hamilton, Michelle McMahon, Anthony Povinelli, Erica Garrity, John Regas, Susan Sahm, Kendee Kolp, Amy Schoettmer, Karen Fitzgerald (two names were omitted due to being illegible on the sign-in sheet)
*Judy Olds was not present at the meeting, and requested Kendee Kolp proxy for her.
- Call to Order: Rick Hughes called the meeting to order at 1035 hours.
- Introductions were made by all in attendance.
- Rick Hughes gave everyone an opportunity to review the February minutes. John Regas asked the minutes to be clarified to show that Franklin Schools were not responsible for paying for Steve Grant to speak at the school. An amendment was also made to show Deb Dougherty presented the grantee update for Turning Point Domestic Violence Services, not Amy Shoettmer. Kendee Kolp made a motion to approve the minutes, along with the above amendments. Susan Sahm seconded the motion, and Rick Hughes called for a vote. All members voted in favor, with none opposed.
- Jim Hoeing Provided the coordinator’s report.
- Cassie Henderson, ICJI contact for DFJC, has left ICJI. Sonya Carrico will take over as the ICJI contact until Cassie is replaced.
- The first quarter report has been submitted to ICJI for approval.
- Pete Ketchum, Franklin Police Department representative and DFJC Board member has resigned from the board. He accepted another job. Tony Povinelli will replace Pete as the grantee representative for the Franklin Police Department.
- Rick Hughes made a motion to elect Tony Povinelli to the board. Sonya Ware-Meguiar seconded the motion. Rick Hughes called for a vote, with all member voting in favor. No members were opposed.
- Jim Hoeing stated the February income was $7,513.15 and the March income was $5,305.93. This brings the yearly income to approximately $15,319.08.
- Creative Counseling provided the grantee update for March. The Yoga 12 Step program was started in February. The program was held on Sundays for three (3) months. There were thirteen (13) participants in the program. All participants were given a pre-test and a post-test. All participants were adults, 18 and over. The program is an adjunct to the 12 step, not a replacement. Creative Counseling in hoping to add more classes. Karen Fitzgerald stated that Tara Treatment Center has hosted the Yoga program, with excellent comments on the program.
- Rick Hughes asked for any old business. No old business was brought forward.
- Rick Hughes asked for any new business.
- Karen Fitzgerald spoke about the upcoming Tara Treatment Center Symposium. The symposium will be held June 5th and 6th. The symposium will cover several areas, including treatment, prevention and law enforcement.
- Rick Hughes asked for a volunteer to provide a grantee update at the May meeting. Juvenile Probation will provide the update.
- Michelle McMahon stated that Empower Johnson County now has a Facebook page up and running. She asked member to look over, and “like” the page. Empower Johnson County also conducted a community perception survey. Information should be available in the next couple of months.
- With no other new business brought forward, Sonya Ware-Meguiar made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kate Krukemeier seconded the motion. Rick Hughes called for a vote. All member voted in favor, with none opposed. The meeting was adjourned at 1053 hours.